

> 教育资讯 > 学习方法 > 高考英语短文改错分类解析5-冠词(理)


作者:dy 来源:转载 时间:2015-11-11 阅读: 字体:

  第五节 冠 词
  1. 检查有无两个不定冠词之间的误用。
  2. 检查有无定冠词不定冠词之间的误用。
  3. 检查有无漏用冠词的情况。
  4. 检查有无错用冠词的情况。
  练 习
  1. Last Sunday we went to school to play basketball.
  2. Plato left behind him a view of the universe set forth in his dialogue in an unique combination of logic and drama.
  3. I have read a interesting story.
  4. What kind of a book do you have?
  5. You’re in right; it’s not your fault.
  6. The most of us are flattered when we receive a compliment.
  7. Why are you at home in such a fine weather?
  8. He was elected the Mayor of New York.
  9. Horse is useful animal.
  10. Goldsmith is said to have traveled from a place to a place.
  注 释
  1. school → the school, 表示去某场所而不是去上学(go to school)。
  2. an → an unique[ju?蘖nik]其第一音素是辅音。
  3. a → an.
  4. a book → book, kind of后面名词不加不定冠词。
  5. right → the right, in the right(有理), 而in right右边。
  6. The most → Most, most表示大多数时不加the。
  7. in such a fine weather → in such fine weather. weather是不可数名词。
  8. The Mayor → Mayor独一无二的官职、 头衔, 职称作补足语或表语时不加冠词。
  9. horse → A horse, horse是可数名词单数形式其前面必须有冠词, 不可单独使用在句子中。
  useful animal → a useful animal.
  10.from a place to a place → from place to place, 两个相对等的名词由and连接表示一种习惯用语时不加冠词。