

> 知识答案 > 培训答案 > 智慧树知到《英语演讲与辩论》2019章节测试答案


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-12-28 阅读: 字体:


第1章 单元测试

1、Which of the following is NOT one of the great English speakers in the history of the last one hundred years?

答案:Adam Smith.

2、To draw audience’s attention, a good speaker always shows _ to/for his/her speech.


3、What channel did Winston Churchill employ when making speech during the Second World War?


4、Without the nutritious base of_____, a good speech is impossible to occur .


5、Cicero, the greatest speech maker in ancient Rome, felt _ when making a speech.


6、According to a professional speech consultant, _ can reduce stage fright by up to 75 percent.


7、Mr. Roosevelt was a very ethical speaker because_______.

答案:he managed to stand up and made a speech for his country

8、To get the attention and interest of the audience, you can take the following methods except_______.

答案:making a long statement

9、We can present the main points by employing the following orders except . 答案:alphabetical order

10、The right postures of making a speech include the following except____. 答案:planting your feet widely

第2章 单元测试

1、If you have served as a volunteer teacher, probably you can talk about_______.

答案:your experience of being a volunteer teacher

2、Which of the following is NOT one of the three general purposes of public speech?

答案:T o criticize .

3、It’s important to prevent your purpose from_______.

答案:being general

4、Without an eye to observe and a mind to do real thinking, you cannot find the most suitable topic. _ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

5、To impose legal measures and moral criticism on domestic violence is no more instructive than domestic violence. _


6、Many experienced speakers consider _ the very life of speeches


7、_ is an example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.


8、Lord Kelvin once said When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in _, you know something about it.



6、A good conclusion _.

答案:alerts listeners that the speech is going to end

7、Which of the folloprehensible because listeners are far from the speaker.

2、What words can ensure that the ordinary listeners understand easily?

答案:short, old words

3、Which statement is NOT correct about concrete words?

答案:Honesty, pride, and patriotism are concrete words.

4、What is NOT regarded as a way to achieve vividness in public speaking?


5、Which of the following statement is NOT correct about a good delivery?

答案:A good delivery is informal and resembles casual conversation.

pare proportions?

答案:Pie graphs.

9、Which of the follomended petitions that munication from the client on any trial

9、Who is NOT mentioned in this lecture as well-known debaters?


10、From Socrates’ debate with his students, we know that _ 答案:Listlessly