

> 知识答案 > 培训答案 > 智慧树知到《高级英语视听说与逻辑思辨》章节测试答案


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-12-28 阅读: 字体:
munication, listening and speaking separately occupy the proportion of 45% and 30%.



答案: 对

2、The main forms In participatory and interactive speaking and listening involve face to face conversations, seminars, and tutorials.



答案: 错

3、Non participatory and interactive speaking and listening processes includes announcements, lectures, and TV or radios.



答案: 对

4、According to Nunan, there are three majors steps involved in successful advanced speaking process, i.e. transanctional and interpersonal skills, managing interaction, and negotiating meanings.



答案: 错

5、Core modules in this course includes critical thinking training,discussion with specific hot issue, and further application in extended listening and speaking practise.



答案: 对

6、According to Bloom, among the six basic levels of critical thinking, high order of thinking skills refer to understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.



答案: 错

7、Critical thinking requires language learners to ask the right question and makes it easier for one to access evidence, evaluate arguments, and adapt one’s thinking.



答案: 对

8、Critical thinking involves reason and logic.



答案: 对

9、Critical thinking is judgement about beliefs and application to real world.



答案: 对

10、Critical thinking means black & while thinking mode.



答案: 错


1、Please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions(0-18秒)

According to the kids in the interview, their answers cover the following EXCEPT

A:I don’t have a social media but watch Youtube the whole day.

B:I don;t have a social media because mom don’t allow me to have one.

C:I have a facebook and Gmail account already.

D:I have many friends on my social media.

答案: I have many friends on my social media.

2、please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions

pared ments or mean ments on social medias.

答案: One can see fortable with what he has shown on social media.

答案: He is putting in front of people who he wants people to think who he is.

munication in dinner.

B:We are turning to be more technical.

C:We don’t hug or touch each other often nomunicate by social media in dinner.

答案: We start to municate by social media in dinner.

9、please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions

(2分36秒-2分49秒)The woman says that she loves social media because we are always evolving and changing, and social media helps us to ___

A:live in the moment and know what happen around us.

B:Know the moment and feel the time passing away

C:understand what other people are thinking

D:catch up with the latest big events.

答案: live in the moment and know what happen around us.

10、Please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions.

According to what you have watched from the video, it is possible that social media is


ed by elder people

C:disliked by young people

D:ed by all the young kids

答案: double-edged


1、Please Listen to the folloposition e in less extreme events

ing in than going out

C:This shows that the effect of the Sun's variations on climate is overwhelmed by the increasing greenhouse gasses, mainly from burning fossil fuels

D:The deep ocean is also gaining heat at a smaller rate, and energy is going into the net melting of ice all around the planet


8、Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.


According to the scientific research, the speaker concludes that_____.

A:CO2, methane, and ice sheets were feedbacks that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge

B:CO2, and methane were feedbacks that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge, even though the climate change was initiated by a very weak forcing

C:CO2, methane, and ice sheets were warning signals that amplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge

D:CO2, methane, and ice sheets were feedbacks that simplified global temperature change causing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge

答案:CO2, methane, and ice sheetswere feedbacksthat amplified global temperature changecausing these ancient climate oscillations to be huge

9、Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.


As for the sea level, the speaker speculates that according to current evidence of scientific research, it will

A:be more if we keep burning fossil fuels, perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet, this century or shortly thereafter

B:be more if we keep burning fossil fuels, perhaps even 18meters, which is five feet, this century or shortly thereafter

C:be more if we keep using green energy, perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet, this century or shortly thereafter

D:rise at least one meter

答案:be moreif we keep burning fossil fuels,perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet,this century or shortly thereafter

10、Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed.


Global warming is already affecting people. And the speaker then cited some facts to further proving his argument which includes

A:Moscow the year before and Europe in 2000

B:There are more than three standard deviations outside the norm

C:The Texas, Oklahoma, Mexico heatwave and drought last year

D: In recent years, because of global warming, they now cover about 10 percent – an increase by a factor of 15 to 50




Even if the speaker could go back into government, she didn't want to. What was the reason mentioned in the speech?

A:She was not qualified enough

B:She didn't want to miss the last five years that my sons were at home

C:She didn't realize what was really important to her

D:Her husband didn’t want to join her in Washington



The measure of male-female equality is usually considered to be___

A:how many women are in such positons as prime minister, CEOs, etc.