Popular clothing store Uniqlo announced their plans to make a clothing line that is made from recycled plastic bottles. This clothing line mitment.这一消息来自优衣库休闲服装连锁店的运营商迅销公司。他们还表示,将与东丽工业公司合作生产用旧塑料瓶制成的衣服,以履行新的可持续发展的承诺。Toray Industries Inc. is a textile and fiber pany that supplies materials for aircraft. They are also responsible for developing technology and turning seamon pany, including tennis player Roger Federer.优衣库将首先在速干产品线上使用这种新的纤维材料,接下来有望在运动员穿戴并代言的产品中使用这种材料,例如由网球运动员罗杰·费德勒代言的产品。
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