

> 英语新闻 > 中国首位FIBA名人堂成员-牟作云


作者:大河网 来源:网络 时间:2019-11-15 阅读: 字体:

Mou is among 11 inductees into the Hall of Fame this year together petition sparking his desire to jumpstartthe development of the sport in his native land.当年牟作云和他的队友一起从中国乘船,历时17天才到达德国。而在这项四年一度的比赛中,他所有的经历激发了他想要在自己祖国的土地上开展并发扬这项运动的渴望。As a coach of Chinas national teams, Mous body of e Vice President of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), eventually being President petitions at the global level.在牟作云的领导和影响下,CBA在亚洲篮坛取得了空前的成功。中国男篮不仅获得了四枚亚运会金牌,还常年代表亚洲队伍在世界舞台上与其他大洲的队伍同场竞技。His contributions to the growth of Chinese basketball have indeed been quite extraordinary, which is no wonder why he became a Lifetime Honorary President of the Asian Basketball Association in addition to being widely considered one of the founding fathers of Chinese hoops.牟作云对中国篮球的发展做出了卓越的贡献,因此他也被任命为亚洲篮球协会的终身名誉主席,并被公认为中国篮球的“奠基人”之一。


