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六个存钱小技巧 帮你建立净资产

作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

Heres another reason to get serious about saving -- its a nemend Ramit Sethis I Will Teach You to Be Rich ($14). Its a good book for those in their 20s because it dishes out practical personal finance advice in a fun and easy read.买一本个人理财书籍:想处理财务问题,你可以买一本个人理财书籍。我推荐拉米特·塞西的《我教你致富》一书(售价14美元)。对于20多岁的人来说,这是一本好书,因为它能把实用的个人理财建议讲得通俗有趣。Let technology aid you: Use web tools to make it easier to budget your money. There are free site that lets you to view all of your accounts in one place and provides budgeting tools that help determine where it would be easiest to cut spending. Consider downloading apps thatll help you save. There are even apps that will save you money on gas and let you text for free.使用高科技:网络工具可以让你更方便做出预算。有些免费网站可以让你在一个地方查你所有的账号,并提供预算工具帮你确定最简单的削减开支的方法。考虑下载应用程序帮你省钱。Automating: The best way to make sure youre saving enough is to automatically put a chunk of your money into your savings and retirement accounts every month. Its generally better than relying on your willpower. If youre already automating, try to increase the amount by five percent.自动存钱:确保你攒够钱的最好方式是每月自动往储蓄账户和退休帐户转一大笔钱。通常来说,这个方法好于依靠意志力来存钱的方式。如果你已经自动转账存钱了,试着增加百分之五的储蓄量。