

> 英语新闻 > 比尔·盖茨连发14条推文为毕业生提供建议


作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has offered the many thousands of graduates currently streaming out of U.S. colleges some career and life advice.近日,亿万富翁慈善家比尔·盖茨向数千名美国大学毕业生提供了一些职业及生活的建议。Over a series of 14 tweets posted last Monday, the worlds richest man used the wordsimpact,happiness, andprogress. He did not mention money.作为世界上最富有的人,他在上周一的14条推特中使用了“影响”、“幸福”、“进步”等词语。唯独没有提及“金钱”。Instead, he told the graduates what jobs he would be looking for if he started out today.相反,他告诉毕业生,如果他从今天开始找,会找什么工作。AI, energy and biosciences are promising fields where you can make a huge impact, he wrote.“人工智能、能源和生物科学是充满希望的领域,你在这些领域可以产生巨大的影响,”他写道。

Earlier this year, Gates—who famously dropped out of Harvard to found Microsoft—said that artificial intelligence hadphenomenal potential, andanything connected with that would be an exciting lifetime career.从哈佛大学退学、创建了微软额盖茨在今年年初表示,人工智能具有“惊人的”潜力,“与此相关的任何事情将会是一个令人兴奋的终身职业”。In the same speech at Columbia University, he said there is a huge growing demand in the energy sector to developreliable, cheap, and clean energy.在哥伦比亚大学的同一篇演讲中,他表示,能源部门开发出“可靠,廉价,清洁”能源的需求量有了大幅增长。As well as urging new graduates to surround themselves withpeople who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self, Gates reminded them to think of others, especially the less fortunate.除了敦促新毕业生密切接触“挑战你的人,教你并推动你成为你最好的自己的人”,盖茨还提醒他们要为别人着想,特别是不那么幸运的人。He wrote that it had taken him decades to learn about the worlds worst inequities and described this lack of early understanding as his one big regret.他写道,自己花了几十年时间来了解世界上最严重的不平等现象,并将缺乏对此的早期认识描述为他的一大遗憾。You know more than I did when I was your age, he wrote.You can start fighting inequity, whether down the street or around the world, sooner.他写道:“与我的同龄时期相比,你们知道得更多。你可以更早地开始为不平等而战,无论是在街上还是在世界各地。”