

> 英语新闻 > 尽早进行投资 成为百万富翁就不再是难事!

尽早进行投资 成为百万富翁就不再是难事!

作者:大河网 来源:整理 时间:2019-11-02 阅读: 字体:

Hoe a millionaire? Its probably not as hard as you might think -- if you plan ahead.成为百万富翁很难吗?如果你提前进行规划的话,这可能也不会像你想的那么难。David Bach, the author ofSmart Couples Finish Rich, came up e a millionaire? Bach says the key is to start investing as early as possible.你想成为百万富翁吗?巴克表示,关键是要尽早开始投资。

For simplicity, the calculations assume a 12% annual return and dont take taxes into account.为简单起见,这个计算假设每年的回报率在12%左右,而且不考虑纳税。So mend to start investing in your 401(k) or Roth IRA.所以,你从什么时候开始呢?专家推荐从你的401(k)退休储蓄计划或者罗斯个人退休帐户开始投资。Bach also advises to refrain from spending on small daily purchases like buying coffee every morning and instead to invest that money. Decades from now, that money will be worth enough for you to buy more than just one coffee.巴克同时还建议,可以限制在小型日常消费上的花费,比如每天早上买咖啡,而把这笔钱用于投资。几十年后,这笔钱绝对不再是只用来买一杯咖啡。