According to a report in the Financial Times, a team of researchers from Google led by John Martinis have demonstrated quantum supremacy for the first time.《英国金融时报》的一篇报告称,John Martinis带领的一个Google研究团队首次证明了量子霸权。This is the point at puter is shoputer.当时发现一台量子计算机能完成最强大的传统超级计算机都不能完成的任务。The claim appeared in a paper that ment from MIT Technology Revieputers available to NASA as benchmarks for its supremacy experiments.去年Google决定将NASA可用的超级计算机作为霸权实验的标杆。According to the Financial Times report, the paper said that Googles quantum processor puter, knoputation that can only be performed on a quantum processor.该论文中研究人员称,据他们所知这一实验“标志着第一个只能在量子处理器上进行的计算”。Quantum machines are so pobination of both at the same time.量子计算机如此强大是因为他们利用了量子比特或量子位。经典的二进制只代表1或0,而量子位不一样,可以同时是两者的一种组合。Thanks to other quantum phenomena, puters can crunch large amounts of data in parallel that conventional machines have to work through sequentially.多亏了其他我们在解释中描述过的量子现象,量子计算机可以并行运算大量数据,而传统计算机只能按顺序进行运算。Scientists have been working for years to demonstrate that the machines can definitively outperform conventional ones.科学家已研究多年,想要证明量子计算机绝对优于传统计算机。
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