But Curry bination of 32.6% usage/66.9% true shooting remains unprecedented.但是库里依然打得很好。他理所应当获得这两个MVP奖项,况且,他在2016赛季的进攻表演足以被列入NBA历史最佳的行列。(那时)他的使用率为32.6%,真实投篮命中率为66.9%,这样的数据组合是前所未有的。And he might be even better noe his way. Teams have played him every possible way that you could think of, and hes had years now to work on counters.“他正值巅峰,在智慧、力量以及临场应变能力上都处于最佳状态,在防守时他也洞悉一切。其他球队已经用过你能想到的一切可能的方式来对付他,而他现在有足够的时间来对抗对手。”
So hes kind of in his sweet spot right now, and he has been the last couple years. And hopefully that continues for the next few years. But hes an amazing player.“所以他现在处于最佳状态,过去几年都是这样。希望这种情况能持续几年。但(总而言之)他是个了不起的球员。”At 31, Curry could have the just-right mix of near-peak athleticism with an advanced understanding of the game.在31岁的年纪,库里拥有近乎巅峰的运动能力和对比赛的深刻理解,这些都恰合事宜。When Durant got hurt last postseason, Curry showed off his incredible individual talent. With Durant gone and Klay Thompson hurt, the Warriors will need more of that.上赛季,当杜兰特在季后赛期间受伤时,库里展示了他不可思议的个人天赋。随着杜兰特的离去和克莱·汤普森的受伤,勇士队需要他做得更多。But if Curry is pushing himself hard – to get Golden State into the playoffs, to win MVP, to shape his legacy or any of the preceding – this could be a special year for him.但是,如果库里不遗余力地——带领金州勇士进入季后赛,并赢得MVP奖项,为自己过去树立的丰碑或任何一项伟绩添砖加瓦——对他来说,今年会是意义特殊的一年。