

> 教育资讯 > 大河名师 > Charlie Rose采访阳光媒体集团的董事长,中国著名英语主持人杨澜

Charlie Rose采访阳光媒体集团的董事长,中国著名英语主持人杨澜

作者:罗林英 来源:未知 时间:2014-03-13 阅读: 字体:
Charlie Rose采访阳光媒体集团的董事长,中国著名英语主持人杨澜,英语采访视频附双语文本,视频为双语字幕。
Host: Yang Lan is chairwoman of Sun Media Group, which has other businesses in media,
online and more. I am very pleased to have her here at this table for the first time. Welcome.
Yang Lan: Thanks you, Charlie. Thank you for having me.  
Host: Tell me how this started for you. 
Yang Lan: It all started exactly 20 years ago, when I was graduating from college. At that
time, the national television had its first open audition, for college graduates for its prime time variety show, called Zheng Da Variety Show. That was a show to introduce sightseeing around the world to the Chinese audience, who at that time, 99% of our population, didn't even have a passport. So it was a brand new exposure to the outside world, when China was opening up.
Host: Have you thought about that kind of career before that? 
Yang Lan: No, not at all. My major in college was English literature and language in  Yang Lan: I really don't have a solution for that. 
Host: But I think that's a concern for me. For a long time, young Chinese had gone to American university, to British universities, many of them stayed or some of them come back. So you have people now in their 40s and 50s with graduate education outside of China. And they are being asked to come back. To come back and take part. The appeal is out of national pride. Do you see much of that in people who left China for United States, or England, or other places like Russia, who have decided to come back to participate in this extraordinary transformation that's taking place. 
Yang Lan: I think national pride is one thing. Opportunity and a chance to realize your dream is another. I think it's a more decisive element.
Host: Opportunity is a more decisive element than pride.
Yang Lan: I think so, even for ordinary people. For example, an architect here can aspire to build one major building in Manhattan. But how many opportunities can be offered to
him? In China, you have dozens or hundreds of cities designing their landmarks. 
Host: Most great architects I know are working in China.
主持人:不过我想这是件我担心的事情。过去很长一段时间,年轻的中国学生去了美国或者英国的大学,他们中的很多留下来了,一些回到了中国。所以现在中国有不少40 多岁,50 多岁在国外受过教育的人被邀请回国,回国参与国家发展。吸引力来自于国家荣誉感。你在那些离开中国去了美国,英国或者其他地方比如俄国并决定回国参与中国正在发生的剧变的人们身上看到这点么?
Yang Lan: It's a huge test land of all sorts of styles and creativity. Of course, young people like to go back, and to seek their success or have their name made. Also young business people, when they stayed here in the US, they see all sorts of services, which is still unavailable in China. They can go back home and start a training center, a school, a kindergarten. They can start anything, using the references that they learned here or in Europe, or anywhere else in the world. When back home, they can start something from scratch, and get successful in a few years' time I think that temptation is even greater than national pride. But of course, national pride is one element. 
Host: How fast is the middle class rising?
Yang Lan: Because many look at it as an important element of China's growth to find
markets internally and serve the markets externally. I think the middle class is growing very fast. I don't have a specific number that I can give you. It also depends on how would you define a middle-class person. A regular job? a home?
Host: How would you define middle class in China? 
Yang Lan: Well, I would say you know, a rented home, a board home. A regular job. A career in sight. Raising children, having a car. That can be some of the symbols. If you think of the rise of car sales in China, I think that would be one of the symbols of the rising middle class. Last year 10 million new cars were sold in China. It's becoming the first or the second largest market for everything. I think that could be one symbol of the rising of the middle class in China.
杨澜:嗯,我会说,租房住,买房住,有稳定的工作,事业发展有前景,有孩子,有车。这些是一些基本象征。就拿中国车辆销售的提升来说,这也是正在崛起的中产阶级的象征之一,去年中国卖出了1 千万部新车,中国正成为所有行业数一数二的大市场。我想这是中国中产阶级正在崛起的一个象征。
Host: When we look at the politics of China, the changes of China there are always the questions of freedom of expression. We all know about the Google controversy that took place. How would you characterize freedom of expression today in China? 
Yang Lan: There are still regulations, censorship, frustrations. That's for sure. But I also see progress, especially through the introduction of internet. It has become a big public arena that  more people will voice their opinions about public policies. Pros and cons. And there have been many cases when abuses of power were reported on the internet; huge public outcry will drive the government to be more spontaneous, to be more transparent,and also it directly led to the change of regulations or practices by the government. I think that's the progress we have made. 
Host: And human rights?
Yang Lan: Well, taking the example of people in custody, or people in prison. There were cases reported through the internet. That they were mistreated. And then related personnels were published, investigations were initiated, and regulations have been reshaped. I think those are progresses that we can see. But of course, in such a vast  country, you see a lot of issues, problems pumping out every day, in a lot of places. I think right now the major concern is the land usage. People worry about proper compensation for their land, which was taken away for urbanization or development. So what is proper compensation? Sometimes the government and residents may have different perspectives. That's what we see where a lot incidents come up.